e-mail: reana@ief.hr
Reana Senjković graduated in 1987 (Postcards from the Beginning to the Beginning of World War II), and gained her Master’s at the same Faculty in 1992 (The Ornamental Motif of the Swastika on Ethnographic Material in Croatia [Interpretational Possibilities and the Reach of Insights]), earning her doctorate in 1997 (The Visual Aspects of Political Propaganda and Folklore Visual Art Expression. Croatia after 1990). She has been employed at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb since 1990, and since 2012 as a scientific advisor/tenure.
She has collaborated on Croatian Ministry of Science and DAAD projects. She was the lead researcher for the projects Homeland War and War Victims in the 20th Century: Ethnographic Aspects (2002-2007) and Transformation of work in post-transitional Croatia (HRZZ, 2017 – 2021), as well as coordinator on the project Closing the Gap Between Formal and Informal Institutions in the Balkans (Horizon 2020, 2016-2019).
She received the Annual State Science Award (2009) for her book Izgubljeno u prijenosu. Pop iskustvo soc kulture.
For the book Svaki dan pobjeda. Kultura omladinskih radnih akcija she received the annual award “Milovan Gavazzi” of the Croatian Ethnological Society (2016).
For her editorial work on the volume Transformation of work: narratives, practices, regimes (with Ozren Biti), she received the “Milovan Gavazzi” annual award of the Croatian Ethnological Society (2022).